8 Directions Movement Properties
Non-Physical Movements - 8 Directions Movement Properties
The Eight Direction movement is controlled by the joystick or the keyboard. It is a simple movement : the object goes up when the player presses up, down when down, and in diagonal.
Choose the number of the player to which the movement will be assigned. From 1 to 4.
This property controls the allowed directions of the movement. Click on the numbers and it opens a direction selector. With your mouse, select or un-select the directions wanted.
Initial direction
This property indicates the initial direction of the object when the frame starts. Just select the proper direction with your mouse.
Specifies the maximum speed of the object.
Indicates the deceleration of the object when the user releases the joystick, ie the speed at which the object will stop.
Indicates the acceleration ratio of the object, ie the speed at which the object will reach the maximum speed.
Moving at start
If unchecked, the object will be stopped when the frame begins.
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