Basic Node Properties, Actions, Conditions & Expressions
Basic Node Properties, Actions, Conditions & Expressions
Shared Actions
Add to Firefly Engine
Select an object - This action adds the object to the Firefly Engine object instance specified in the parameter. This is necessary so that the engine knows about the Node object.
Remove from Firefly Engine
Select an object - This action removes the object from the Firefly Engine object instance specified in the parameter.
Node Properties
Set Parent Node
Enter Fixed Value of an Firefly Node (0 for none) - This action sets another Firefly – Node object (any type of Node) as the parent of this object. Which then means its Position, Rotation, Scale, etc settings are relative to its parent.
Position, Rotation, Scale
Position(X, Y or Z) - Move the node along either the X, Y or Z planes using the expression editor.
Rotation(X, Y or Z) - Rotate the node along the X, Y or Z axes
Scale(X, Y or Z) - Scale the node in either of the 3 dimensions
, Visibility
This boolean setting denotes whether the object is visible in the scene or not.
Automatic Culling - Determines if objects outside of camera view are drawn or not
Box - Camera bounding box draws invisible lines to the object bounding box, if any lines connect then the object is drawn.
Frustum Box - Draws an invisible bounding Box and checks if the camera can see any part of it.
Frustum Sphere - Draws an invisible bounding sphere and checks if the camera can see any part of it
Off - Never hides meshes out of sight, this can have a huge negative impact on larger scenes.
Set - Allows you to set which mode the Automatic culling uses during runtime.
Draw Debug Data
Off - Turns off debug data
On - Turns on debug data
Set - Sets if debug data like bounding boxes should be drawn (0 off 1 on)
Collisions - Collisions work like this: When node A (that Uses Collisions) might collide with node B (that Uses Collisions, it compares node A’s Collision Radius and Translation against node B’s mesh. If they collide, it is that node A has collided with node B, not the other way around. If node A’s collision Radius is equal to 0, then it cannot collide with node B. For node B to collide with A, it has to compare B’s Radius and Translation against A’s mesh.
Use Collisions - If this is set true, then this Node can collide and be collided into by other colliding nodes.
Radius - If this node Uses Collisions, then this is the radius of the space that it takes up around its position when it collides into Meshes of other nodes (that use collisions also).
Translation - If this node Uses Collisions, then this is an offset from its position that it uses to calculate when it collides into Meshes of other nodes (that use collisions also).
Shared Conditions
Is added to Firefly Engine - Has this object been added to an Firefly Engine instance?
Node Properties
Has Parent Node - Has this object been set a parent node?
Position > Compare (X,Y or Z) of a Position - Using the expression editor compare on the three three dimensional position values to a expression.
Is visible - Is the object set to be visible or not?
Is truly visible - Will return true if the object and all of its possible parent nodes are visible also.
Is Drawing Debug Data - Returns whether Debug Data is set to draw or not.
Uses collisions - Returns whether Use Collisions has been turned on or not.
Has collided with a node - Is a true condition that will happen when this node object’s Collision
Radius collides with another node object’s mesh.
Has collided with a particular node - Enter Fixed Value of Firefly Node that the object may collide with Is a true condition that will happen when this node object’s Collision Radius collides with another node object’s mesh that has the Fixed Value equal to the inputted parameter.
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