Fusion 2.5+
Guides & Tips+

Actions and Expressions

HWA Effects - Actions and Expressions

The following actions and expressions allow you to set/retrieve effects and effect parameters at runtime. They are available in Effects actions/expressions sub-menus for normal objects (like the Active object), frames (Storyboard object) and layers (Layer object).


  • Set Effect : allows you to change the effect applied to the object. It displays the effect list in which you can select the new effect.
  • Set Effect Parameter : sets the value of a parameter of the current effect. Parameters = parameter name and parameter value. Each effect can have different parameters. The name of the parameters to specify in this action is the name of the variable to change in the pixel shader. This name is mentioned between parentheses after the full parameter name in the properties of the object. The value depends on the type of parameter, it is usually explained in the descrition window in the Effects list when you select the effect, or in the property window.
  • Set Effect Image Parameter : some effects take images as parameters. This action allows you to load graphic files into image parameters.
  • Set Alpha-blending Coefficient : this action allows you to change the Blend coefficient at runtime, value = 0 (no semi-transparency) to 255 (fully transparent).
  • Set RGB Coefficient : allows you to change the RGB coefficient. Parameter = new RGB value, in the following format : B*65536 + G*256 + R (you can also use the GetRGB function of the Special object to build a RGB value from R,G,B components).


  • Alpha-blending Coefficient : returns the current Blend coefficient. Return value = 0 (no semi-transparency) to 255 (fully transparent).
  • RGB Coefficient : returns the current RGB coefficient, in the following format : B*65536 + G*256 + R. You can use the GetRed, GetGreen and GetBlue functions of the Special object to extract each component value from the RGB value.
  • Effect Parameter : returns the value of a parameter of the current effect. Parameter = parameter name. See the Set Effect Parameter action above for more info about parameters.

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