Previously we added the Firefly Engine, a Firefly Camera and a Firefly Sky. uptill now we have only used the default settings for the camera, while good enough to start they wont work all the time, so it's time too look at Vectors when we are working in 3D space we use vectors such as 0,0,0 or 0,200,-275 What are these weird 0,0,0 things you are talking about ? good question ! i'm sure you know about the standard 2D locations such as 4,5 meaning 4 across the X axis and 5 Up the Y Axis. |
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Those as i'm sure you know are called co-ordinates, when we talk about 3D co-ordinates we use what are called Vectors, dont worry they work just the same as 2D co-ordinates except they have a 3rd entry called Z. |
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It's easy to think of the 3 axis as X = left and right, Y = up and down and Z = forwards and backwards. So how does all that information help us ? in our world we need to position objects where we want them, you could place the camera wherever you want in the world using those 3 values, however for our Breakout clone the best place is 0,200,-275. with an X of 0 it will be in the centre of our world, with a Y of 200 it will be placed 200 world units high and with a Z of -275 it will be placed backwards 275 world units. click on the Firefly Node - Camera and look at the first property tab and set the X to 0 the Y to 200 and the Z to -275. |
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Click Run Frame like before and lets hopefully look at our wonderful skybox. | ||
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Hmm, we've lost the clouds , but we will come back to them later. |
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